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This is a template for a simple marketing or informational website. It includes a large callout called a jumbotron and three supporting pieces of content. Use it as a starting point to create something more unique.

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Sitecore 9.0 Certified Platform Associate Developer Practice Test Questions

I passed my Sitecore developer exam in July of 2018. I have prepared 250 questions while studying for the exam. Please see all questions and answers below. Good luck with your exam!.

Sitecore® 9.0 Certified Platform Associate Developer Practice Test Questions

1.     Where does the home item for your site is defined 
a.     Web.Config  
b.     Sitecore.config 
c.     Layers.config 
d.     App.config 

Answer: b 

2.     How do you retrieve your site's start item location? 
a.     Sitecore.Context.Site.StartPath; 
b.     Sitecore.Context.Site.root 
c.     Sitecore.Context.Site.PathStart 
d.     Sitecore.Context.Site.rootPath 

Answer:  a 

3.     How do you install a Sitecore package? 
a.     Control Panel>Administration>Install a Package 
b.     Marketing Panel>Administration>Install a Package 
c.     Dashboard>Administration>Install a Package 
d.     Administration>Install a Package 
Answer: a 

4.     What's the default base template for all templates? 
a.     Standard Template 
b.     Base Template 
c.     Standard Values 
d.     Template 

Answer: a 

5.     How can you extend the Sitecore Framework? 
a.     Packages 
b.     Module 
c.     Update Package 
d.     Using SDK 

Answer: a,b,c 

 6. Sitecore Rocks plugin for visual studio can be used to perform which tasks 
a.     Manage Packages 
b.     Create Anti-Package for undo functionality 
c.     Create Items 
d.     Create Templates 
e.     All of the above 
 Answer: e 

7.     What is an Anti-Package? 
a.     Helps you create a package with an option to roll back the changes 
b.     Helps you to import and delete the existing files 
c.     Helps you to export the package 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

8.     The Sitecore Package Designer helps you to  
a.     Add Items statically or dynamically 
b.     Sets installation options 
c.     Remove packages 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a,b 

9.     How can you install a package in Sitecore? 
a.     Installation Wizard 
b.     Sitecore Rocks 
c.     Control Panel 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a,b,c 

10. Where is the default site configuration located? 
a.     /app_config/Sitecore.config under site 
b.     /app_config/Layer.config  
c.     /config/sitecore.config under site  
d.     Web.config under site  

Answer: a 

11. What static class contains the information about the current HTTP request and your site installation? 
a.     Sitecore.Context 
b.     Sitecore.Kernel 
c.     Sitecore.MVC 
d.     Sitecore.Presentation 

Answer: a 

12. Where the Home page or start item for your site is defined in the Sitecore.config? 
a.     Rootpath 
b.     Start item 
c.     Rootpath and Startitem 
d.     Site node 
 Answer: c  
13. How can you retrieve your site's start item location programmatically? 
a.     String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.StartPath 
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(startPath) 
b.     String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.rootPath 
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(rootPath) 
c.     String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.path 
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(path) 
d.     String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.rootpath 
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(rootpath) 

Answer: a 

14. What's the path of the Single website and Home Item? 
a.     /Sitecore/Content/Home 
b.     /Sitecore/Home 
c.     /Sitecore/Item/Home 
d.     /inetpub/wwroot/Web/Home 

Answer: a 

15. What's the recommended practices for a multisite implementation? 
a.     Creating a folder for each site 
b.     Ensuring that each site folder has its own Home item 
c.     Storing shared content outside of each site folder 
d.     All of the above 
Answer: d 

16. What version of visual studio works with the Sitecore project? 
a.     Visual Studio 2012 
b.     Visual Studio 2014 
c.     Visual Studio 2015 or higher 
d.     Visual Studio 2015 
Answer: c 

17. Visual Studio is the main tool to: 
a.     Configure and manage Sitecore project 
b.     Code Layouts and renderings 
c.     Manage configuration files 
d.     All of the above 
Answer: d 

18. Sitecore Rocks allows you to: 
a.     Create and manage site content from the Visual Studio 
b.     Create Presentation component items and code files 
c.     Integrate with your visual studio project 
d.     Use site management tools 
e.     Create and Install Sitecore packages 
f.       All of the above 

 Answer: f 

19. Everything in site is an item 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

20. An item consist of: 
a.     Fields 
b.     Field Sections 
c.     Data 
d.     Content Tree 

Answer: a,b 

21. The item is an addressable unit of data 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

22. Templates are the foundation of all content in Sitecore. 
a.     True 
b.     False 
Answer: a 

23. Templates defines: 
a.     Type of item 
b.     Determine the field sections 
c.     Determine the field names 
d.     Determine the field types 
e.     All of the above 
Answer e 

24. What does the field type determines for the field in the Content Editor and the Experience Editor? 
a.     Editor Control 
b.     Options 
c.     Value 
d.     Security 

Answer: a 

25. All templates inherit from the standard template 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

26. Modifying the base template of the template affects all items immediately 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

27. The Tokens in the standard values are: 
a.     $name 
b.     $date 
c.     $now 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

28. What option overrides the Field Name in Sitecore interface? 
a.     Title 
b.     Field Name 
c.     Type 
d.     Property 

Answer: a 

29. Sitecore publishes items from: 
a.     Master to Core database 
b.     Master to Web database 
c.     Core to Web database 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

30. Sitecore groups the files in layers and maps each layer to a folder in the App_Config folder 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: true 

31. The Sitecore groups the files in layers and maps each layer to a folder in 
a.     App_Config 
b.     Include 
c.     wwwroot 
d.     Sitecore 

Answer: a 

32. What are the two types of rendering most commonly used in Sitecore 
a.     View Rendering  
b.     Controller Rendering 
c.     Item Rendering 
d.     Method Rendering 
e.     URL Rendering 

Answer: a,b 

33. Which rendering is used occasionally? 
a.     View Rendering  
b.     Controller Rendering 
c.     Item Rendering 
d.     Method Rendering 
e.     URL Rendering 

Answer: c 

34. What renderings are supported only for legacy reasons? 
a.     Method Rendering 
b.     XSLT Rendering 
c.     Url Rendering 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

35. Where do you create a model in Sitecore for structured data to be consumed by MVC view?  
a.     Layout>Model 
b.     Template>System 
c.     System>Model 
d.     Sitecore>Model 

Answer: a 

36. What steps are required for a custom route in Sitecore? 
a.     Define a custom route 
b.     Register the custom route 
c.     Create a custom route 
d.     Execute the route 

Answer: a,b 

37. Areas enable you to group collections of controllers and views together to help subdivide and organize complex projects.  
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

38. What's the recommendation practice to add Sitecore libraries to your project? 
a.     Copy and paste the library from a bin folder 
b.     Nuget 
c.     Reference the dll files in the bin folder 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

39. What are the advantages of creating a project outside of the web root folder. 
a.     Separation of Concern: between solution files and Sitecore files 
b.     Use the same visual studio project when you upgrade Sitecore or create a new instance. 
c.     Easy to backup, restore, and move project. 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

40. What server roles are supported in the <AppSettings> attribute of the Web.config file? 
a.     Content Delivery 
b.     Content Management 
c.     Processing 
d.     Reporting 
e.     Standalone 
f.       All of the above 

Answer: f 

41. What are three major components of the Sitecore 9 product? 
a.     Sitecore Experience Manager (XM) 
b.     Sitecore Experience Platform (XP) 
c.     Sitecore Experience Commerce 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

42. What component-based architecture guidelines are used by Sitecore? 
a.     Helix 
b.     Habitat 
c.     Bootsrap 
d.     Jquery 
e.     Adaptive 

Answer: a 

43. What are the main topics important to Helix and Modular architecture? 
a.     Dependencies 
b.     Layers 
c.     Modules 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

44. Low coupling relies on keeping the number of dependencies between different parts down to the absolute minimum? 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: True 

45. High cohesion does not relies on breaking the solution down into the right parts with logic that belong together? 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

46. How can you control the dependencies between modules in Sitecore? 
a.     Use Explicit dependencies 
b.     Use Implicit dependencies 
c.     Use Sitecore Rocks 
d.     Use Content Editor 

Answer: a  

47. The layer concept in Helix provides a structure that is extremely suitable for" 
a.     Creating and maintaining solutions of any size 
b.     Produce maintenance-friendly and clean code 
c.     Makes the dependency flow completely clear everywhere in the solution, in Sitecore, in Visual Studio and even in the file system. 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

48. What layers are defined by the Sitecore Architecture Conventions? 
a.     Project 
b.     Feature 
c.     Foundation 
d.     Module 

Answer: a,b,c 

49. What's the most unstable layer in your Sitecore structure? 
a.     Feature 
b.     Project 
c.     Foundation 
d.     Module 

Answer: b 

50. What layer of the Sitecore Architecture Conventions stitch the features of the solution together into a cohesive solution? 
a.     Feature 
b.     Foundation 
c.     Project 
d.     Module 
 Answer: c 

51. What layer of the Sitecore Architecture Conventions can contain page types, layout and graphical design? 
a.     Project 
b.     Foundation 
c.     Feature 
d.     Module  

Answer: a 

52. What layer of the Sitecore Architecture Conventions contains the concrete features of the solution? 
a.     Project 
b.     Foundation 
c.     Feature 
d.     Module  

Answer: c 

53. Which layer is the lowest level and most stable layer in Helix? 
a.     Project 
b.     Foundation 
c.     Feature 
d.     Module  

Answer: b 

54. Which layer contains the framework such as Sitecore, .Net, Bootstrap, Jquery etc. ? 
a.     Project 
b.     Foundation 
c.     Feature 
d.     Module  

Answer: b 

55. The concept of module is derived from: 
a.     Component-based Architecture 
b.     Module-based Architecture 
c.     Adaptive Architecture 
d.     Helix-based Achiecture 

Answer: a 

56. Which service is responsible for processing and storing data? 
a.     xConnect 
b.     xDB 
c.     Reference Data Service 
d.     xDB Processing 

Answer b 

57. Which of the following you can use to access the xDB core? 
a.     Content Search API 
b.     xConnect Client API 
c.     xDB API 
d.     xDB Processing 

 Answer: b 

58. The client has direct access to the collection database or the search index. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

59. What single end point named is used by the collection and Search in the development environment? 
a.     xdb.collection 
b.     xdb.search 
c.     xdb.collection search 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

60. Where do you configure the xConnect end points? 
a.     \App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config 
b.     \App_Config\Layers.config 
c.     \App_Config\sitecore.config 
d.     \App_config\Web.config 

Answer: a  
61. Which one of the following can help you connect to Sitecore using a Console application? 
a.     xConnect Client API 
b.     xdb Service 
c.     xdb collection service 
d.     Content Search API 

Answer: a 

61. Which model defines the CLR types, facets, and events? 
a.     xDB model 
b.     Sitecore  
c.     xConnect Collection model 
d.     xConnect search 

Answer: c 

62. The xConnect service must have a JSON representation of any model that a client application wishes to use. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

63. How does the developer extend the xConnect? 
a.     Adding Contact and Interaction facets 
b.     Adding Custom events 
c.     Adding items 
d.     Adding Templates 

Answer: a,b 

64. Which one of the following can help you to control the types of items that users can insert beneath existing item? 
a.     Using the Insert Options 
b.     Design Layout 
c.     Content Editor 
d.     Experience Editor 

Answer: a 

65. What's the second pillar of Experience Manager? 
a.     Field 
b.     Item 
c.     Template 
d.     Content 

Answer: d 

66. What do you call a content instance of a template? 
a.     Template 
b.     Content 
c.     Item 
d.     Field 

Answer: c 

67. Where does the item store in Sitecore? 
a.     Database 
b.     File System 
c.     In an XML file 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

68. Which database stores the edited item when you edit an item in Sitecore? 
a.     Web 
b.     Master 
c.     Core 
d.     XDB 

Answer: b 

69. All content is publishable when no restrictions are applied. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

70. The items in Sitecore have: 
a.     ID 
b.     Path 
c.     URL 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

71. Items in Sitecore does not store website content. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

72. Editors do not need to lock the item before modifying it. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

73. Which one the following user needs to specify when inserting an item from a template in Sitecore? 
a.     Template Location 
b.     Item Name 
c.     Data Source 
d.     Title Name 

Answer: a,b 

74. Which user can create content anywhere in the tree? 
a.     Editors 
b.     Marketers 
c.     Administrators 
d.     Users 

Answer: c 

75. How developers create content directly from Sitecore Explorer? 
a.     Right-click an item > Add New Item 
b.     Right-click an item> Design Layout 
c.     Right-click an item>Tasks>Add New Item 
d.     Right-click an item> Tasks > Tools>Add New Item 

Answer: a 

76. How developers can add multiple items at once? 
a.     Sitecore Explorer > Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box 
b.     Solution Explorer > Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box 
c.     Content Editor> Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

77. What are the recommended practices for creating content in Sitecore? 
a.     Place pages under the Site's Home or Start item 
b.     Set insert options 
c.     Limit the number of children 
d.     Limit the number of versions 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: e 

78. The number of children that an item has and the number of versions can affect performance 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

79. A regular user calls stating that he is unable to create content under the Home item. What is the possible cause of this issue? 
a.     User does not have proper rights 
b.     User is not authenticated 
c.     Insert options are not defined 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

80. How does the language store in the content tree? 
a.     Template 
b.     Data 
c.     Item 
d.     Information 

Answer: c 

81. Where do you manage languages in Sitecore? 
a.     Dashboard 
b.     Marketing Panel 
c.     Control Panel 
d.     Content Editor 

Answer: c 

82. Each language version can have it's own list of numbered versions. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

83. Where you can set a friendly name for an item that can be translated? 
a.     Display Name 
b.     Context Menu 
c.     Item Name 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

84. How does the Sitecore handles an item without a Display Name? 
a.     Generate an exception 
b.     Name is used as a fallback 
c.     Hides the item 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

85. Name and Display appear on the content item for all users. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b (it displays only for administrators) 

86. The fields in Sitecore cane be" 
a.     Versioned 
b.     Shared 
c.     Unversioned 
d.     All the above 

Answer: d 

87. What version is created by default when you create a field in Sitecore? 
a.     Versioned 
b.     Shared 
c.     Unversioned 
d.     Single Versioned 

Answer: a 

88. Which option will allow users to create single version of field value for all languages? 
a.     Versioned 
b.     Shared 
c.     Unversioned 
d.     Single Versioned 

Answer : b 

89. Which option will allow users to create unique version of the field value per language? 
a.     Versioned 
b.     Shared 
c.     Unversioned 
d.     Single Versioned 

Answer : c 

90. All fields must be versioned in Sitecore 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

91. Sitecore automatically translate the labels, button text, etc. in other languages that you specify. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

92. Where does the Sitecore looks for language when user clicks the URL or a link on the web page? 
a.     The sc_lang query string parameter 
b.     The language prefix in the path in the requested URL 
c.     The language cookie associated with the context site 
d.     The default language associated with the context logical site 
e.     The DefaultLanguage setting specified in Sitecore.org 
f.       All of the above 

Answer: f 

93. Why setting the icons and creating user friendly names are important when working with the templates in Sitecore? 
a.     to impress users  
b.     It's easier for the user to identify the template for creating items. 
c.     Save space on the server 
d.     Templates will not render without icons 

Answer: b 

94. What's the best way to define default values and setting for items? 
a.     Use a base template 
b.     Use item fields 
c.     Use Template's standard values 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

95. What is the recommended practices for data Architecture? 
a.     Making good use of Template Inheritance 
b.     Using Icons and user-friendly names for templates 
c.     Using a template's Standard Values to define default values and settings for items 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

96. What is the recommended practices for Content Structure? 
a.     Controlling the user experience and content tree by configuring Insert Options 
b.     Ensuring the tree structure mirrors the site structure 
c.     Limiting the child items and item versions 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

97. What layer(s) does the Sitecore.Services.Client framework provides on both the Server and the Client side of the Sitecore applications for the developers to use to develop data-driven applications? 
a.     Service 
b.     Project 
c.     Foundation 
d.     Data 

Answer: a 

98. Which Web API the Sitecore.Services.Client uses as a foundation? 
a.     ASP.NET Web API 
b.     Content Search API 
c.     xConnect Client API 
d.     xDB API 

Answer: a 

99. What attribute needs to be set on the controller to enable the features of Sitecore.Services.Client framework? 
a.     [ServicesController] 
b.     [ClientController] 
c.     [APIController] 
d.     [WebController] 

Answer: a 

100.       What two services are provided by the Stecore.Services.Client framework? 
a.     ItemService 
b.     EntityService 
c.     DataTemplateService 
d.     ConnetService 

Answer: a,b 

101.       What service of Sitecore.Services.Client can be used by the developer to gain access to regular Sitecore Items? 
a.     ItemService 
b.     EntityService 
c.     DataTemplateService 
d.     ConnetService 

Answer: a 

102.       What service of Sitecore.Services.Client can be used to gain access to business objects that you define. 
a.     ItemService 
b.     EntityService 
c.     DataTemplateService 
d.     ConnetService 

Answer: b 

103.       What server-side classes client side of Sitecore applications can use when using Sitecore.Services.Client: 
a.     SPEAK components 
b.     Client-side JavaScript 
c.     Restful API directly 
d.     All of the above  

Answer: d 

104.       What are the two type of items in Sitecore database? 
a.     Items 
b.     Definition Items 
c.     Content Items 
d.     Web Items 
e.     Templates 

Answer: b,c 

105.       Which item defines the configuration or structure of the implementation? 
a.     Definition Item 
b.     Data Items 
c.     Content Items 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

106.       Which environment the Definition item is created and managed? 
a.     Production 
b.     Test 
c.     Development 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: c 

107.       The Definition items are managed and created in Production environment and moved as part of versioned deployments from development to test to production. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

108.       Which one of the following item types are Definition items? 
a.     Layout and Rendering items 
b.     Template and Field Items 
c.     Placeholder and setting items 
d.     Custom Field Types 
e.     Lookup items for settings 
f.       All items in the Core database 
g.     All of the above 

Answer: g 

109.       What items are managed by the editors on the website? 
a.     Content Items 
b.     Definition Items 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

110.       What items are owned by the Administrators and Editors in the production environment? 
a.     Definition Items 
b.     Content Items 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

111.       Which content item is owned by production and should never by overwritten by an item coming from the development or test environment? 
a.     Site home page item 
b.     Template 
c.     Field 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

112.       The Definition items and some content items in Sitecore are created and managed in the development environment. 
a.     True 
b.     False 
Answer: a 

113.       What allows items stored in the Master or Core database to be written to disk in a text-based format and subsequently restored into a database? 
a.     Serialization 
b.     Restore 
c.     Versioning 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

114.       What tools are recommended to be used for item Sterilization in Sitecore? 
a.     TDS 
b.     Unicron 
c.     Github 
d.     Sitecore Rocks 

Answer: a,b 

115.       It is highly recommended to deploy business logic and items together in your deployment process 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

116.       What are the two tools that you can use to create and edit the conent on your website? 
a.     Content Editor 
b.     Experience Editor 
c.     Sitecore Editor 
d.     Sitecore Rocks 

Answer: a,b 

117.       Which tool editors can use to edit and write content directly on the page? 
a.     Content Editor 
b.     Sitecore Rocks 
c.     Experience Editor 
d.     Sitecore Editor 

Answer: c 

118.       Which tool is best for more experienced content authors who are familiar with Sitecore and functionality that it contains? 
a.     Content Editor 
b.     Sitecore Rocks 
c.     Experience Editor 
d.     Sitecore Editor 

Answer: a 

119.       You can edit all the items on the page using Experience Editor even if they do not belong to the selected item 
a.     True 
b.     False 
Answer: a 

120.       What is a shared layout? 
a.     Contains the content that all versions of the page, in all languages 
b.     Contains a combination of the specific for the current version of the page and the content that is specified in the shared layout.  
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

121.       What is a final layout? 
a.     Contains the content that all versions of the page, in all languages 
b.     Contains a combination of the specific for the current version of the page and the content that is specified in the shared layout.  
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

122.       What functionality lets you preview all your items on your website without publishing them first? 
a.     Preview 
b.     Publish 
c.     Home 
d.     View 

Answer: a 

123.       What's the default publishing target in Sitecore? 
a.     Master database 
b.     Web database 
c.     Core database 
d.     xDB 

Answer: b 

124.       The Item can only be published if all it's ancestors have been published. Which option(s) should be checked when publishing an item in Sitecore? 
a.     Publish subitems 
b.     Publish related items 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

125.       What option will publish everything in Sitecore? 
a.     Smart Publish 
b.     Incremental Publish 
c.     Republish 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

126.       Which option will publish all items that have changed since the last publication? 
a.     Smart Publish 
b.     Incremental Publish 
c.     Republish 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

127.       Which option will publish only items that are in the publishing queue? 
a.     Smart Publish 
b.     Incremental Publish 
c.     Republish 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

128.       How many types of version are in Sitecore? 
a.     Numbered Versions 
b.     Language Versions 
c.     Numeric Versions 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a,b 

129.       Which one of the following creates a versions of an item in the same language? 
a.     Numbered Versions 
b.     Language Versions 
c.     Numeric Versions 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

130.       Which one of the following creates a version of an item in a different language? 
a.     Numbered Versions 
b.     Language Versions 
c.     Numeric Versions 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: b 

131.       What option will create an item that is not just a copy of the original item, but one that inherits the field values from the original item? 
a.     Copy 
b.     Duplicate 
c.     Clone 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: c 

132.       How do you identify the template that an item is based on? 
a.     Content area>Content tab>Quick Info>Template 
b.     Content area>Advanced>Quick Info>Template 
c.     Content area>Option>Quick Info>Template 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

133.       What options can be used to run a few checks on the item to make sure that it is ready to be published. 
a.     Markup 
b.     Field Validation 
c.     Check an item 
d.     Run workflow 

Answer: a,b 

134.       What advanced search option can be used to locate exactly the item you are looking for in the Content tree? 
a.     Search Field 
b.     Search results 
c.     Facets 
d.     Filters 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: c,d 

135.       In a Multilanguage solution, which functionality will help you to control the items or fields to reuse content from another language? 
a.     Language Fallback 
b.     Multilanguage Fallback 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

136.       The fallback language can be enabled on: 
a.     Items 
b.     Fields 
c.     Data Types 
d.     Home 
e.     Content Tree 

Answer: a,b 

137.       Item and Field fallback on the same items should not be used at the same time. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

138.       Which one of the following language fallback is enabled by default on the templates that dictionary entries are based on? 
a.     Item-level fallback 
b.     Field-level fallback 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

139.       How can you improve the time it takes to load the Experience Editor ribbon? 
a.     Change WebEdit.ShowNumberofLockedItemsOnButton value in Siteore.ExperienceEditor.config to false 
b.     Toggle down the ribbon 
c.     Change WebEdit.ShowNumberofLockedItemsOnButton value in Sitecore.config to false 
d.     Change WebEdit.ShowNumberofLockedItemsOnButton value in Web.config to false 
Answer: a 

140.       What two frameworks Sitecore supports? 
a.     MVC 
b.     Web Forms 
c.     JSON 
d.     Bootstrap 

Answer: a,b 

141.       What is the recommended practice to reference Sitecore binaries to your project? 
a.     Nuget 
b.     Copy from the Sitecore installation 
c.     Copy from Coworker's machine 
d.     Contact Sitecore support 

Answer: a 

142.       The best practice is to set presentation details on the standard values? 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

143.       If the Sitecore page is displaying an error "no layout",  what’s can be the possible cause of this error? 
a.     Component .cshtml file is missing 
b.     Template is not set on the item 
c.     Template is not inherited from the base template 
d.     Presentation details are not set 

Answer: d 

144.       Helix guidelines and conventions focuses on architecture and mapping dependencies correctly? 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer : a 

145.       Presentation in Sitecore is carried out by: 
a.     Layout 
b.     Component 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

146.       Layout in Sitecore is: 
a.     Scaffold of the page 
b.     Inner parts of the page 
c.     Component 
d.     Template 

Answer: a 

147.       Which property of an item stores the information that Sitecore requires to build a page response? 
a.     Item 
b.     Sitecore framework 
c.     Field 
d.     Presentation Details 

Answer: d 

148.       Which one of the following form a layout in Sitecore? 
a.     .cshtml file 
b.     Definition Item 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

149.       Which field of the definition item links with the layout .cshtml file? 
a.     Path field 
b.     Item field 
c.     Model 
d.     Source Field 

Answer: a 

150.       What Sitecore helper you will use to render field values to a page? 
a.     Field 
b.     Item 
c.     Template 
d.     Data 

Answer: a 

151.       What rendering should only display logic? 
a.     Controller Rendering 
b.     View Rendering 
c.     Item Rendering 
d.     Template Rendering 

Answer: b 

152.       Which one of the following is the default model used by the components in Sitecore? 
a.     ViewRendering 
b.     RenderingModel 
c.     FieldRendering 
d.     ModelRendering 

Answer: b 

153.       The field helper will accept the following arguments: 
a.     Field Name, Item, Set of parameters 
b.     Template Name, Field Name 
c.     Content Items, Layout, parameter 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 
154.       If you do not specify an item in the field helper, which one of the following will be used by default to output the content: 
a.     Item 
b.     Template Item 
c.     Context Page Item 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

155.       What action will the field helper will take if the data source item is not found ? 
a.     Fall back to the context item 
b.     Generate an exception 
c.     Remove the item from the view 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

156.       You must use the RendringModel in your view rendering to access a Sitecore item 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b (a custom model can be used as long as it gives you the access to Sitecore item) 

157.       The Sitecore field helper can be used to render content from items and the content can also be edited in the experience editor. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

158.       What parameter value can be set in the Sitecore Field helper to make the content read only? 
a.     new {DisableWebEdit=true} 
b.     new {EnableWebEdit=false} 
c.     new {WebEdit=false} 
d.     new {DisableEdit=true} 

Answer: a 

159.       What parameter value can be set in the Sitecore Field Helper to set the width and Height of an image? 
a.     mw,mh 
b.     Width,height 
c.     Width, length 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

160.       The source fields in Sitecore are used: 
a.     To limit the set of item that can be used 
b.     To pull data from database 
c.     To make it difficult for the user to change the values 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

161.       What templates define data types in Sitecore? 
a.     Data Templates 
b.     Standard Template 
c.     Base Template 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

162.       What templates defines the base template for most data templates? 
a.     Data Templates 
b.     Standard Template 
c.     Base Template 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

163.       What field values are defined by the standard template? 
a.     Standard values 
b.     Default values 
c.     None 
d.     Items 

Answer: c 

164.       Standard template inherits from a number of base templates defined under the /sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Sections item. Each of these base templates defines a single section of the standard template. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

165.       The names of fields in the standard template begins with: 
a.     One underscore 
b.     string 
c.     Two underscores 
d.     Three underscores 

Answer: c 

166.       What field types can be rendered directly in Sitecore? 
a.     Text: Single-line, Multi-line, Rich text, Number, Integer 
b.     Date: Date, DateTime 
c.     Link: General Link, General Link with Search 
d.     Image: Image 
e.     All of the Above 

Answer: e 

167.       What field types cannot be rendered directly in Sitecore? 
a.     Reference another item: Droplink, Grouped Droplink, Droptree 
b.     Multiple References: Treelist, TreelistEx, Multilist, Checklist, Multilist with Search 
c.     Boolean: Check box 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

168.       What class types can be used for fields that cannot be rendered directly? 
a.     ReferenceField 
b.     MultilistField 
c.     CheckboxField 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

169.       What's the namespace for field class types: ReferenceField, MultiListField, CheckboxField 
a.     Sitecore.data 
b.     Sitecore.data.items 
c.     Sitecore.data.Fields 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

170.       What are the parameters of EditFrame() 
a.     DataSource 
b.     Buttons 
c.     Title 
d.     Tooltip 
e.     CssClass 
f.       Parameters 
g.     All of the above 

Answer: g 

171.       How developers can allow content authors to edit complex fields such as Mutilist, Checkbox, and Treelist fields editable using the Expereiecne Editor? 
a.     Item Editor 
b.     Template Editor 
c.     Field Editor 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: c 

172.       What is an Edit Frame? 
a.     A region of the page that reacts to clicking by showing a toolbar 
b.     A component on that page to display item values 
c.     a view of image displayed within a page 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

173.       Which one of the following will help developer to add a button to any toolbar to display a field editor? 
a.     Complex item 
b.     Render item 
c.     Edit Frame button 
d.     Edit Item button 

Answer: c 

174.       What is most significant features of the Sitecore system when designing the user experience in Sitecore? 
a.     dynamic layout engine  
b.     Static layout engine 
c.     Data Templates 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

175.       How partial view should be prefixed in Sitecore? 
a.     Underscore 
b.     CamelCase 
c.     User friendly names  
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

176.       How do you register View Rendering with Sitecore? 
a.     Create a View Rendering definition item 
b.     Point to the path of the .cshtml file 
c.     Create a Controller rendering definition item 
d.     Reference the Controller and Controller Action view by name 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: a,b 

177.       How do you register Controller Rendering with Sitecore? 
a.     Create a View Rendering definition item 
b.     Point to the path of the .cshtml file 
c.     Create a Controller rendering definition item 
d.     Reference the Controller and Controller Action view by name 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: c,d 

178.       The recommended practice to when creating a controller rendering is: 
a.     Requesting the model or view model from the business layer 
b.     Passing on the model to the required view 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

179.       John has created several complex components, he rendered the components using the path in the layout.  What binding did john use to render the components? 
a.     Static 
b.     Dynamic 
c.     Adaptive 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

180.       John has created several complex components, he used place holders in the  layout for those components.  What binding did john use to render the components? 
a.     Static 
b.     Dynamic 
c.     Adaptive 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

181.       Placeholders are added to the markup in code and are identified with a unique placeholder key. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

182.       What are the advantages of using dynamic binding in Sitecore? 
a.     New page types can be assembled from existing components 
b.     Changes to a page structure do not require a developer 
c.     Supports content reuse  
d.     Supports Sitecore's personalization and testing features 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: e 

183.       What binding should be used when adding Header and Footer to the layout? 
a.     Static 
b.     Dynamic 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

184.       When you should use static binding in Sitecore? 
a.     Component always needs to be present on a layout or component 
b.     Do not have time to code 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

185.       What binding a developer should use if a user wants to edit the component using the Experience editor? 
a.     Static 
b.     Dynamic 
c.     Adaptive 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: b 

186.       Where do authors add, remove, move, and configure components? 
a.     Content Editor 
b.     Experience Editor 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

187.       If the Allowed Controls are not defined in the Placeholder settings then the content users will be able to: 
a.     Add all controls to the placeholder 
b.     Cannot add any controls to the placeholders 
c.     Will not be able to use placeholders 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

188.       The placeholder settings can: 
a.     Make placeholders selectable in the Experience Editor 
b.     Are used to restrict components 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

189.       The items in the placeholder are called: 
a.     Definition Items 
b.     Templates 
c.     Items 
d.     Information 

Answer: a 

190.       Presentation details are set on a template's standard values but can be overridden on the item 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

191.       What does the Sitecore creates when you override a presentation details on the item? 
a.     Layout Delta 
b.     Layout Details 
c.     Presentation Details 
d.     Template for the item 

Answer: a 

192.       What happens when you create the regular placeholder multiple times on the page? 
a.     Same content appears on both placeholder definitions with the same key 
b.     It creates different content in each placeholder 
c.     It creates a unique key for each placeholder 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

193.       How can you make sure that each placeholder on the page has a unique key? 
a.     Create dynamic placeholders using @Html.Sitecore().DynamicPlaceholder("Key") 
b.     Create static placeholders using @Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("Key") 
c.     Change the Unique item in placeholder settings 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

194.       What can you do to create more flexible components on the page? 
a.     Create static placeholders 
b.     Create dynamic placeholders 
c.     Use view rendering 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: b 

195.       Which standard field is a shared field where you specify the common layout for all languages and versions of the item? 
a.     _Renderings 
b.     _Final Renderings 
c.     _Item Renderings 
d.     _Shared_Renderings 

Answer: a 

196.       Which standard field is a shared field where you specify Individual layouts for languages and versions of items? 
a.     _Renderings 
b.     _Final Renderings 
c.     _Item Renderings 
d.     _Shared_Renderings 

Answer: b 

197.       How the layouts are stored in the fields? 
a.     HTML 
b.     XML 
c.     JSON 
d.     Javascript 

Answer: b 

198.       How does the final presentation gets created in Sitecore? 
a.     The contents of _Renderings and _Final Rendering fields are merged ("Patched") 
b.     xml in _rendering field finalized 
c.     When xml in the _Final Renderings finanlzied 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

199.       Which one of the following maps the item to the current URL? 
a.     RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem 
b.     RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.item 
c.     RenderingContext.Current.URL 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

200.       Which on the following will help you to easily display contents from an item other than the context item? 
a.     RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem 
b.     RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.item 
c.     RenderingContext.Current.URL 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

201.       How can we prevent authors selecting the wrong type of data source for the component? 
a.     Set the Template Location 
b.     Set the Datasource Location 
c.     Set Insert Options 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

202.       Where do you setup the Data Source location for a component? 
a.     Component Tool bar> More>Edit Experience Editor Option 
b.     View> Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option 
c.     Home> Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option 
d.     Component Tool bar> More>Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option 

Answer: a 

203.       How can we restrict authors to use a specific item type? 
a.     Set the Template Location 
b.     Set the Datasource Template 
c.     Set Insert Options 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

 204.       What are the advantages of using the Datasource template? 
a.     Restricts users to a specific item type 
b.     Allows content creation of that item type 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: c 

205.       The Datastore Template cannot be configured with or without a Datasource location. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

206.       When the Datasource Template is set without the Datasource location, the authors can see the entire content tree but are only allowed to select the specific item type for that component? 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

207.       The component parameters are stored as: 
a.     Key-value pairs 
b.     xml 
c.     html 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

208.       Which one of the following will allow developer to access the parameters of the component programmatically? 
a.     @Model.Rendering.Parameters["CssClass"] 
b.     @RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.Parameters["ButtonText"] 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer c 

209.       How can the developers help authors choose the correct component parameter values? 
a.     Use fields 
b.     Key-value pair 
c.     Both a and b 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

210.       What are advantages of using Rendering Parameter templates? 
a.     No free-form text input 
b.     Prevent errors 
c.     Control Input 
d.     Improve the user experience 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: e 

211.       How many parameter template are allowed on a component? 
a.     One 
b.     Two 
c.     Three 
d.     Unlimited 

Answer: a 

212.       Compatible Rendering is a component definition item that enables users to replace the one component with another. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

213.       Where else do you specify the components so they can be swapped in the experience editor? 
a.     Template fields 
b.     Control Panel 
c.     Configuration Items 
d.     Placeholder's Allowed Controls field 

Answer: d 

214.       How to Handle Redirects with Sitecore? 
a.     Third-party modules 
b.     Custom code overriding the LinksManager and ItemSolver 
c.     IIS redirects 
d.     All of the above 

215.       What's the benefit of using Wildcard items in Sitecore? 
a.     Allows you to work with dynamic URLs 
b.     It matches to any request 
c.     It ensures the URL is dynamic 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

216.       What methods can be used to navigate the tree? 

a.     .Parent() 

b.     .GetChildren() 

c.     .Axes.GetAncestors() 

d.      .Axes.GetDescendants() 

e.     All of the above 

Answer: e 

217.       The developers should use ContentSearch for the best performance in Sitecore. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

218.       You should use Var in foreach loop with the ChidlList. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

219.       What should you use instead of var in foreach loop with the childlist? 
a.     Sitecore.Data.Items.Item 
b.     Sitecore.Data.Items.Context 
c.     Site.Data.items.Item 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

220.       The LINQ is useful in Sitecore for: 
a.     Filtering small collection of items 
b.     Setting up configuration 
c.     Reviews items 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

221.       Sitecore sorts subitems alphabetically by default. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

222.       When you use LINQ to sort items, what needs to be done to improve performance? 
a.     Instruct the GetChildren method not to sort items 
b.     Execute query right away 
c.     Instruct Sitecore.Context not to execute the query 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

223.       What happens if you edit directly on the Web database? 
a.     Changes are lost after a publish 
b.     The developers can no longer work 
c.     Sitecore support will contact you 
d.     Edited content automatically moves to Core database 

Answer: a 

224.       When you editing an item, how do you ensure that your changes are made on the Master database only? 
a.     Point to the Master data using the following statement Var masterDB = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master") 
b.     Change the database from the Sitecore Desktop view 
c.     Change the database from the Sitecore Rocks plugin 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a 

225.       Anonymous visitors have permissons to create items in Sitecore 

a.     True 

b.     False 

Answer: a 

226.       How do you run code as another user in Sitecore? 
a.     Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler() 
b.     Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher("usersID") 
c.     Sitecore.Context.Account.Switch("userid"); 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a,b 

227.       What are the steps to edit content programmatically? 
a.     Ensure you have the required permissions 
b.     Retrieve the item 
c.     Invoke the Editing.BeginEdit() method 
d.     Change the field values 
e.     Invoke the Editing.EndEdit() method 
f.       All of the above 

Answer: f 

228.       Which one of the following you can use when you need an end point to access and manipulate data remotely? 
a.     Sitecore.Services.Client 
b.     Sitecore.Services.EndPoint 
c.     Sitecore.Services.Context 
d.     Sitecore.Services.DB 

Answer: a 

229.       Where developer can find JavaScript libraries? 
a.     \Sitecore\shell\client\Services\Assets\lib 
b.     \Sitecore\shell\configure\Assets 
c.     \Sitecore\shell\Configure\lib 
d.     None of the above 

Answer: a 

230.       The Search Facets are calculated after the search 
a.     True 
b.     False 
Answer a 

231.       Administrators can add facets for other fields/properties 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

232.       The search interface operations allows you to: 
a.     Remove search results 
b.     Run bulk operations over all the search results 
c.     Format search results  
d.     None of the above 

Answer: b 

233.       All fields are index by default in Sitecore. 
a.     False 
b.     True 

Answer: a 

234.       What are benefits of using Item buckets in Sitecore? 
a.     Reduce the number of children per item 
b.     Hide folder structure and content from Editor's view 
c.     Allow editors to search the content by bringing the search interface to the forefront 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

235.       Where do you adjust the item bucket settings in Sitecore? 
a.     /Content/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings 
b.     /Home/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings 
c.     /Sitecore/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings 
d.     /Dashboard/Control Panel/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings 

Answer: c 

236.       What API is used by the Search UI and Sitecore Buckets? 
a.     ItemSearch Web API 
b.     ContentSearch Web API 
c.     Search Web API 
d.     ContentSearch API 

Answer: d 

237.       List two libraries that developer needs to construct a search in Sitecore? 
a.     Sitecore.ContentSearch 
b.     Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq 
c.     Sitecore.context.Item 
d.     Both a and b 
e.     None of the above 

Answer: d 

238.       What LINQ IQueryable methods are not supported in Sitecore? 
a.     GroupBy 
b.     Aggregate 
c.     Sum 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

239.       Which on the following LINQ IQueryable methods are supported in Sitecore? 
a.     GroupBy 
b.     Where 
c.     Contains 
d.     Any 
e.     All 
f.       OrderBy 
g.     All of the above except a 

Answer : g 

240.       Why it's not recommended to use Axes.GetDescendants to retrieve a large number of items? 
a.     Less code 
b.     Performance Issue 
c.     Sitecore does not support 
d.     Infrastructure cannot handle the query 

Answer: b 

241.       Which one of the following are the official Sitecore documentations? 
a.     Dev.sitecore.net 
b.     Doc.sitecore.net 
c.     Sdn.sitecore.net 
d.     Kb.sitecore.net 
e.     Youtube.com/user/mastersitecore 
f.       Helix.sitecore.net 
g.     All of the above 

Answer: g 

242.       Which one of the following are the community-driven sources? 
a.     Community.sitecore.net 
b.     Feeds.sitecore.net 
c.     Marketplace.sitecore.net 
d.     Sitecore.community.github.io 
e.     All of the above 

Answer: e 

243.       Which one of the release adds significant functionality to a product? 
a.     Service Pack 
b.     Update 
c.     Feature Release 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: c 

244.       Sitecore will not provide individual customers with a hotfix or patch to resolve a single issue or a small number of issues in a Sitecore product. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: b 

245.       How long Sitecore will support the Mainstream Support Phase? 
a.     1 year 
b.     2 years 
c.     3 years 
d.     Forever 

Answer: c 

246.       Which one of the tool you will use to analyze the log files? 
a.     Event Viewer 
b.     Sitecore Log Viewer 
c.     Log Analyzer 
d.     Microsoft Word 

Answer: c 

247.       The self-test diagnostics can be run using: 
a.     Sitecore Diagnostics Toolset 
b.     Sitecore Control Panel 
c.     Wndows System settings 
d.     Sitecore Log Settings 

Answer: a 

248.       You must supply the license ID when you open a ticket with Sitecore. 
a.     True 
b.     False 

Answer: a 

249.       What needs to be attached before submitting the ticket to Sitecore Support? 
a.     Relevant Configuration Files 
b.     Recent Log files, Screenshots of UI, errors, and related files 
c.     Exceptions as plan text documents 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: d 

250.       What tool can be used to generate a support package for Sitecore support? 
a.     Support Package Generator 
b.     Zip application 
c.     Sitecore Tool Generator 
d.     All of the above 

Answer: a